Bouts for Somerville vs. Woodbridge

Somerville vs. Woodbridge | Match Score: 57-36 | Varsity | 12-08-2024

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Home Team Result Bout (H|V) Seed (H|V) Match (H|V) Score (H|V) Bout Time
70 Dugan, Patrick Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 6 - 0 0:00
75 Wilson, Gavin Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 12 - 0 0:00
80 Allena, Andrew Villatoro, Justin Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 18 - 0 45
85 Huntley, Lucas Elliot, Tyler Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 24 - 0 1:15
90 Fiore, Jackson Vittitoe, George Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 24 - 6 :30
95 DaSilva, Mateus Amaro, Michael Win (Decision) 15-9 4-1 3 - 0 27 - 6 5:00
100 Feaster, Alex Kress, Danzig Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 33 - 6 :50
106 Stabile, Ryan Arreaga, Alejandro Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 33 - 12 :45
112 Santos, Marco Dowling, Michael Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 33 - 18 :32
118 Closterman, Evan Flores, Giovanni Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 39 - 18 1:54
124 Oneill, Ryan Cardet Merrill, Elliott Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 45 - 18 2:09
130 Buchanan, Michael Hudson, Quincy Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 45 - 24 1:24
140 Forfeit Cruz, Josiahs Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-7 0 - 6 45 - 30 0:00
150 Forfeit Meier, Steven Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-7 0 - 6 45 - 36 0:00
175 Forfeit Valetin, Mathew Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 51 - 36 00:00
240 Schueler, Henry Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 57 - 36 0:00

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