About Us
Updated By: Keith Inglin 2015-11-22 11:30:32 | |||
About | |||
Don Hutchins - NJGSWL Founder The NJGSWL was formed in 1996 in response to the need for a 7th and 8th grade league in the Hunterdon, Warren and Sussex areas. Originally nine teams formed the league, we have since grown to over 20 teams and they are as diverse as the state. The league has also extended geographically from the northern corner of New Jersey to the outskirts of New York City and west to the Delaware River. In 2016 we celebrate 20 years of great wrestling in one of the best leagues in the state.
A message from Keith Inglin NJGSWL President 2004-Present: In 2003 I became a part of the NJGSWL. I have had the support and friendship of some of the finest people I have ever met. With the help of the long-term relationships fostered here at NJGSWL and special recognition likes of Tim Longacre, Sharon Childress and Roy Rodriguez to name a few we have earned the respect of the wrestling community. The key to our thriving success is the ability to keep all things transparent. The whole system is based on making sure everyone has a grip on what is expected and follows through in a planned and well-executed fashion. We have had some fair challenges in our tenure like having to plan our Final Exam location in one day due to unforeseen weather or getting help for key components of the season in place when a team dropped unexpectedly but with the help of each other and an open forum of communication we have always lived up to our credo: "Let them wrestle!" |