2018 Varsity Brackets: 2018GSVarsity Brackets.pdf
2018 Team Standings: 2018Team Standings.pdf
2018 Individual Winners: 2018Individual Winners.pdf
The civil war is an annual tradition between two NJ powerhouse leagues! Come out and see champions in both league settle it on the mat.
Where: South Plainfield Middle School
When: Scale Time 6PM - Wrestling 7PM
Cost: $5 Adults, $2 Kids
NJGSWL has an undefeated record in all of the past meetings, come out and cheer us on to victory once again! Hope to see you there.
Did you know that since 2004 we have wrestled OVER 35,000 bouts!
The vision of the new archive is in the works. As all other things were improved so to is the new archive pages.
Previously only the wrestler and his matches were visible but now I put the whole season back together just like it was when it was contested.
To see what I mean: http://www.njgswl.com/archive_matches_by_date.php
Here is the archived results by wrestlers: http://www.njgswl.com/archive_matches_by_individual.php
Enjoy and I will post other archive new things as they come online..
For the first time I am offering this site as an actual product. Since NJGSWL is the first one, I hope that I can ask a few of you for a testimonial that I can use.
If you would like to help, please send me and email to keith@njgswl.com thanks, Keith Inglin
The wrestling league site offering is called Wrestleague and if you would like to see it please CLICK HERE.. also, if you could spread the word if you think someone would be interested I would be greatful.
So you missed the broadcast message? Well, turns out that we have an answer for that mysterious lost email...
Under the COACHES PORTAL there is now a way for you to preview the previously sent broadcast messages to make sure you are in the proper loop..
"We don't always send Broadcast Messages, but when we do the are probably the most interesting messages in the world"