I am a small car racer from the state of New Jersey. I race at several small tracks throughot New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. I saw a lot of track owners around my area keeping track of these results with pencil and paper. They were allocating so much time each week to keeping track of the results and the points standings and I thought it would be easier if they could have a computer do all of that for them at a reasonable price. That is why I developed Circle TrackR. As a single person running this small side business, I can offer you personal assistance when you need support - something that large companies offering mass produced software cannot offer as well.
We understand that all tracks and racing series run a little bit differently. For instance, some tracks have a very unique handicapping system to line up the heat races. Unfortunately, we cannot imagine up all of the different possibilties that all of the tracks may have. We have tried to offer the most standard features in our system "out of the box." However, if you have specific features that are not currently built into the program, we can develop them. You will need to purchase our customization package and reach out to us via the contact page and inform us of your specific needs. We will do everything in our power to accomodate your specific features as soon as possible, but we do not offer a guarentee on how long it will take us to develop the features. Time will vary based upon complexity and demand.
We set the program up for you on the computer that you will be using to keep track of the results at the track. It only takes us about fifteen to twenty minutes to set the program up and the setup is included in your purchase price. Because of the way the system works, we will only setup the program on one computer. If you have multiple individuals that keep track of results on different computers, please contact us and we will try to address this concern on a case by case basis. Once the program has been installed on your computer, copying or redistributing the program without my permission is strictly prohibited. If Circle TrackR learns that you have distributed the program, we will suspend your purchase without refund and disable ALL system installations that you have distributed, including your own.
Mistakes happen when you are inputting results. We have made it so that all results that you have input can be edited and updated at a later time after the mistake has been realized.
No. We understand that the majority of racetracks do not have internet available in the tower. Therefore, you don't need internet to input the results when you are at the track on a weekly basis. However, you will need internet access to backup your results each week. We highly recommend that each week after returning home from the track, you immediately back up your results to our server using the one click backup feature. This will gauarentee that no matter what issues may occur, you can always restore your system to a previous backup state. Circle TrackR makes NO GUARANTEE that your results are safe. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to regularly backup your system results. If you do not back up your results, we may not be able to resolve the issue if something goes wrong.
Circle TrackR has been developed exclusively for use on Windows based machines. At this time, we do not intend to develop a MAC version of the program. If you have another type of device that you wish to use for the program, please contact us and we will address your concerns on a case by case basis.