North West Jersey Midget Wrestling League Teams

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Match Date: 2025-01-15 | Cedar Grove vs. Irvington
Referee In Attendance? YES Entered By: Rob Kolakowski 2025-01-15 19:43:56
Cedar Grove Rep: Rob Kolakowski Irvington Rep: Kyle Steele
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Wt. Cedar Grove Wt. Irvington Wt. Edit
54 Baron, Leo 51.20 Hubbard, Daniel 54.20 Edit this weight class
58 Donlon, Liam 54.00 Smith, Javen 54.00 Edit this weight class
62 Kenna-Molinaro, Wyatt 62.00 Bowden, John 60.40 Edit this weight class
66 Wolfstirn, Kane 66.00 Fields, Nathan 64.00 Edit this weight class
66 Spear, Hudson 63.80 No Wrestler 54.00 Edit this weight class
70 Magliacano, Dante 70.40 Autrobus, Alexander 65.40 Edit this weight class
74 Vargo, Preston 74.80 Moore, Amare 69.20 Edit this weight class
79 Ascensio, Tyler 77.20 Hubbard, Samuel 67.80 Edit this weight class
79 Messina, Joseph 54.00 No Wrestler 54.00 Edit this weight class
84 Conte, Joesph 82.00 Dautruche, King 84.40 Edit this weight class
90 No Wrestler 90.00 No Wrestler 90.00 Edit this weight class
96 Asfalg, Chase 94.40 Okine, Carlton 96.80 Edit this weight class
102 Donlon, Logan 102.20 No Wrestler 102.00 Edit this weight class
110 DeSiano, Noah 106.60 Proctor, Azhor 106.40 Edit this weight class
110 Carroll, Alex 54.00 No Wrestler 54.00 Edit this weight class
118 Smith, Ryan 106.40 Garris, Demetrius 117.20 Edit this weight class
126 Kolakowski, Matthew 112.80 No Wrestler 126.00 Edit this weight class
136 No Wrestler 136.00 McIver, Jibriel 138.00 Edit this weight class
146 Kent, Dylan 136.80 Grant, Barris 136.20 Edit this weight class
165 Zajack, Charles 141.40 Stokes Jr., Hasan 164.00 Edit this weight class
170 No Wrestler 170.00 No Wrestler 170.00 Edit this weight class

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