League Bylaws

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Last Updated By: Anthony Marangi 2022-01-24 09:21:33

2019-2020 NWJMWL bylaws.pdf









To offer athletes  between the grades kindergarten and sixth the opportunity to learn and participate  in the sport of wrestling.


To teach the wrestlers  good conduct and sportsmanship.


To maintain the league  in the wrestlers best interest at all times.


 The wrestlers are  to be encouraged by the coaches to put schoolwork, conduct and sportsman-like  attitudes foremost in their lives.





Officers of the league  will be President, Vice President/Treasurer, and Secretary.


Officers will be elected  at the first annual meeting prior to the wrestling season (reorganization  meeting).


President will conduct  all meetings.  In his absence VP/Treasurer will conduct meetings.


All officers may propose  or second a motion.


All officers will have  the authority to sign checks.   


The president will  breaks all ties in voting on any league topic




The league shall have a minimum  of 3 meetings per year, a reorganization meeting, a certification meeting and a  seeding meeting.  Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the  officers.


All teams must have a representative  at all meetings.  Failure to be represented at a meeting will result in a $100.00  fine and a loss of 1/2 (0.5) a point from team playoff point total.


Each team is entitled to  one vote.  Team representatives, if other than head coach, must be  reported to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting.


All bylaw changes are customarily  addressed at the reorganization meeting although they may be amended at any  time in the off-season.  Changes will  require a 2/3 majority vote, with 2/3 of the teams present constituting a  quorum.  The exception to this rule is that any bylaw changes openly  discussed at any NWJMWL meeting and unanimously supported by all the NWJMWL  teams may be made at any time. 






Any wrestler who is  eligible to certify on a team in this league is eligible to wrestle at the  varsity level. No wrestler that has reached the age of 13 prior to September  1st of the current season or is in the seventh (7) grade will be eligible to  participate in this league.  Students who are home schooled will be  eligible based strictly on their age.


A wrestler must wrestle  for a team in his elementary school district.   Any wrestler who has  transferred and/or relocated to another school district must wrestle for the  team in the new elementary school district. The exception to this is if the  wrestler moves during the season.  If the wrestler moves during the  season the wrestler may remain with his old team for the duration of the season  or transfer to the new team at his/her discretion.  The wrestler must  wrestle for the new team however the following year.  


Unless transferring to a  new school district as mentioned under D 2. once rostered with a team the  wrestler  must remain with that team throughout his/her league  eligibility.  Exception: If a wrestler is not rostered on a NWJMWL team  for one season he/she is eligible to wrestle for any team in his/her elementary  school district.  To be considered rostered a wrestler must be listed on a  team’s official roster and have wrestled in at least one NWJMWL match either on  a varsity or exhibition level during the preceding year.


Any head coach's  son/daughter is eligible to wrestle for the head coach's team regardless of  district.  Any parent who was an active assistant wrestling coach in the  preceding year and assists in coaching a different team in the present year,  may have his son/daughter wrestle for the team he coaches pending majority vote  of the league.



For those wrestlers  attending private school outside the area in which they live, a hardship case must  be presented at any scheduled NWJMWL meeting in order for that athlete to be  considered eligible to wrestle on a program permitted to draw from the geographic  established region of the private school.  The wrestler’s eligibility will  be determined by a majority vote of the league.

League has put a limit (capped)  on amount of teams eligible for the League on 18.  This has been changed  to 25 teams as of 2018-2019  season


Established geographical  boundaries where the NWJMWL teams may draw:


* Alpha:     Alpha, Bloomsbury (Inactive as of  2004-2005 season).


* Belvidere:        Belvidere,  Harmony, Hope, White  Township & all elementary schools sending  to Belvidere High School (League Vote to remove from League 11/06/08   meeting)


Blairstown:        Blairstown, Knowlton, Hardwick, and all elementary schools  sending school district to North  Warren High School (Inactive as  of  2014-2015 season). Activated 2016/2017 season.


Branchville:        Wrestlers who attend Lafayette  Township, Frankfort  Township, Port Jervis/Montague sending school district  township attending  Port Jervis High School


Butler Bloomingdale:         Butler and Bloomingdale school districts.   Active for the 2017-2018 season.


*Del  Val:     Holland, Milford, Frenchtown, Kingwood,  Alexandria,  Lambertville, Stockton, West Amwell and all elementary  schools sending to Del  Val Regional High School & South Hunterdon  High School (Inactive as of 2009-2010 season)


Flemington:      Lambertville, Stockton, West Amwell and all elementary schools  sending to Hunterdon Central High School & South Hunterdon High School


*Greenwich:       Greenwich, Stewartsville, Alpha, and Bloomsbury (resigned  from League end of 2011 season)                                                         


Hackettstown:  Hackettstown, Liberty, Independence, Allamuchy and all elementary schools  sending school district to Hackettstown High School


Hampton/Sandyston:        Hampton, Sandyston, Layton and Walpack.   Send to Kittatiny HS.


*Hopatcong:       Hopatcong Borough Schools. Sending school district to Hopatcong  High School (Inactive as of 2019-2020 Season)


Jefferson Twp:           Probation 2016-2017. Oakridge, Lake Hopatcong, Lake Shawnee,  Oak Ridge all send to Jefferson HS.


Lenape Valley:       Byram, Netcong and Stanhope. Send to Lenape Valley HS.


* Lopatcong:       Lopatcong & Alpha (resigned from League end of 2011   season)       


Long Valley:      Washington township (Morris County) elementary schools district  sending to West Morris Central  High School  District


Mendham:         Chester Twp, Chester Boro, Mendham Twp,  Mendham Boro. Sending school district to West Morris Mendham High School


Montville:          Montville, Pine Brook, Towaco all in the sending district  of Montville High School


Morris Knolls:   Denville and Rockaway Twp in the Morris Knolls HS sending  district. Active for the 2017-2018 season.


Mount Olive:     Mount Olive, Flanders, Budd Lake all Mount Olive HS sending  district. 


Newton:     Newton Public Schools, Andover Boro, Andover Township, Green  Township.  Sending school district to Newton High School


North Hunterdon:      Clinton Boro/Twp, Union Twp, Bethlehem Twp (NJ), Lebanon  Boro, Franklin Twp (Hunterdon County). Sending school district to North  Hunterdon High School


*Notre Dame:     All wrestlers are drawn from the Notre Dame Parish (Inactive as  of 2010-11 season)


Parsippany/Troy Hills:      Parsippany-Troy Hills Township school district sending to  Parsippany High School and Parsippany Hills High School sending district. (Resigned  from League end of 2014 season). Re-Active 2017-2018 season.


* Phillipsburg PAL: Town of Phillipsburg  & Alpha (resigned from League end of 2011 season)     .


* Pen Argyl:        Plainfield, Pen Argyl, Windgap and Pen  Argyl sending school district (inactive as of 2005-2006 season).


Pohatcong:        Pohatcong, Bloomsbury, & Alpha all Phillipsburg HS  sending district revised 2018/2019 (resigned from League end of 2011  season) . Re-Activated 2016/2017


Randolph:         Randolph Twp. Send to Randolph HS.


Sparta:       Sparta Township, sending district to Sparta High School


* Steele Hill:        Town of Phillipsburg & Alpha (resigned from  League  end of 2011 season)    


Stillwater:         Freedon Township schools, Stillwater  Township schools. Sending school district to Kittatiny High School


Sussex:      Sussex & Wantage Twp


Vernon:      Vernon Twp. Send to Vernon HS.


*Voorhees:         Califon, Glen Gardner, Hampton, High Bridge, Lebanon Township,  and Tewksbury Township.  Sending school district to Voorhees High  School. (Resigned from League end of 2013 season).


Wallkill Valley:   Franklin Boro, Hamburg school district, Hardyston Township,  Ogdensburg school district. Sending school district to Wallkill Valley Regional  High School. (Resigned from league end of 2014 season. Re-entered  League beginning of 2015-2016 season).


Washington Y   Washington Boro/Township, Mansfield Twp, Oxford, Franklin Twp  (Warren County).  Sending school district to Warrens Hills High  School. (Resigned from League end of 2013 season Joined for the 2019-20  season).


Wharton:  Rockaway and Wharton.  Sending to Morris Hills and HS.



* = Teams that are  inactive



      E.   ROSTERS


A list of all the wrestlers for  each team will be presented to the weigh-in official at the official certification.   The list will have the following information:

a.   Wrestler's  full name.

b.   Birth date and  age.

c.   Home address.

d.   Grade

e.   School attending

A space provided for the  certified weight (to be filled in by the weigh-in official).

The wrestlers are to be listed  according to their approximate weight, starting from the lowest weight.

All wrestlers who wish  to compete in the league on either JV or varsity must be certified on a team roster. 


The above list becomes  the official roster and is retained by the secretary until copies are made and  returned to each team.


 Additions to the roster  must be made prior to January 1st. The only way a wrestler can be added to an  official roster is by emailing the Board with the wrestlers name,  address, birth date, grade, and approximate weight at least 72 hours prior  to the next scheduled match or the wrestler is ineligible. A slip or score  book must be  signed by the wrestlers coach and the opposing coach and  then an email is to be  sent to the Board copying the opposing coach(s)  with the certified weight before  the next weeks match. 






Wrestler’s weight classes are established at the league's  reorganization meeting.


At the official  weigh-in, all wrestlers will step on the scale stripped to undergarments  or less (socks, underwear & singlet) and the league will assign his/her  certified weight.   Female Wrestlers are to wear t-shirts and shorts  (or singlet).


A wrestler will be  allowed to wrestle only his/her certified weight class and up to  two-weight classes above but only 1 weight class above what he weighs in at the  day of the match.


Birth certificates are required  and should be submitted at the certified weigh-in for all wrestlers on an  annual basis.


Certification will take  place any time prior to January 1st. A wrestler may wrestle at a  higher weight class and recertify as long as the recertification weigh in is  prior to above mentioned date.  All wrestlers must make the hard  weight for certifications there will be no weight allowances for  certifications other than two-tenths lb. for undergarments.  All match requirements  still pertain to this rule.  A wrestler must wrestle a minimum of 70%  of the teams scheduled matches and 51% or more of the matches must be wrestled  in the weight class a wrestler chooses to wrestle in the end of the year league  tournament.  Revised 2018-2019 season


A 1-pound weight allowance  will be granted on January 1 and another pound in February.


A two-tenths weight allowance  will be allocated to all wrestlers stepping on the scale wearing undergarments.  This rule pertains to all league weigh-ins (Certification, Dual Meets,  League Playoffs, and League Tournament). 





Weigh in rules will  coincide with the weigh in rules as stated in the current NJISAA  

Rule book.


Weigh-in will be  conducted by match officials or the two opposing coaches.


Officials shall be  registered NJSIAA or PIAA.


Official has the  authority to eject any wrestler or coach for un-sportsmanlike conduct.


Proper conduct of  wrestlers, coaches and fans will be the responsibility of the coaches.

Disciplinary action will  be taken against the coach and/or his team as a result of any improper actions.


The Home team shall  report the match results to the League. Results will be submitted on the  NWJMWL Web-Site (www.nwjmwl.com) by 11:59 PM following the day of the  match. 

Match results MUST include  first and last name of wrestler, actual weight, and match result. Failure  to do so will result in a loss of 0.5 points towards the Individual League  Tournament Team points.

Time of the bouts for  varsity will be 1 – 1½ - 1-½ minutes.  

*Overtime will be  1 minute feet, double overtime is a 30 second ride out. 

JV bouts will be 1-1-1  minutes or determined by the participating coaches on the day of the match. 

* = Refer to NJSIAA  rules pertaining to overtime format for the current season.


The league will schedule  matches.


All week night matches  in December will grant a 1-lb weight allowance.   Matches in January and  February will not receive a weight allowance.  Revised 2018-2019 season


All teams may elect to submit  a JV roster and wrestle in the JV division. It is not mandatory to have a  JV roster.


Weights for the league  will be as follows:

 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 80, 85, 90, 95, 102, 115, 135, HWT 165

 a. A wrestler who  wishes to compete at 165 must weigh at least 135 pounds.







The location of the  league tournament will be decided upon by the league at the annual  meeting.


The tournament  format will be decided upon at the annual league meeting.




A. league meeting will  be held to determine seeding for the league tournament.


b. Only one coach  will be allowed to speak at seeding meetings.  This coach will be    designated prior to the meeting.  One additional coach may attend, however  they may only confer with the designated representative of their team.   Tournament director or league officers will enforce these rules.


Wrestlers must  wrestle in at least 70% of the  team’s scheduled Varsity matches to be eligible to participate in the  Individual League Tournament. In order to compete in a weight class wrestlers  must wrestle at least 51% of their total Varsity matches at the weight in which  the wrestler intends to compete at in the Individual Tournament no exceptions.  If there’s an injury to the starter the board must know about it within 24  hours of the injury and a Dr.’s note is needed to determine how he/she he will  be out of the line-up to determine if he/she can be voted into the individual  tournament.


Seeding criteria will be  set as follows: Revised 2018-2019 Season

  1. Most wins 


  1. Head to head competition. In cases       where three or more wrestlers have the same


  1. number of wins, this criterion       will only apply if one of the  wrestlers beat ALL of the others       being considered. 


  1. Winning percentage 


  1. Number of pins 


  1. Number of technical falls 


  1. Number of major decisions 


  1. Fewest wins by forfeit 


  1. Vote of coaches


 In the event there  are uneven regions the seeding criteria is as follows for the #1 seed  only. Example If wrestler A is 12-0  and wrestler  B is 11-0 but wrestler B is in a region with 1 less team we will  then  move to criteria #4(number of pins and continue from there) to determine   1st seed.


Any child who has been  seeded in a weight class at the regularly scheduled seeding meeting must  wrestle at that weight class.  In the event there is a substitution for a  previously seeded wrestler, the coach must inform the league officers prior to  the tournament weigh ins.  Eligibility will be determined by majority vote  of the coaches at the pre-tournament meeting.


Loss of Team points for  League enforced Penalties are as follows:

Minus ½ point for  failure to submit team scores within time allotted.

Minus ½ point for  failure to submit league dues by time indicated at the league Reorganization  meeting.

Minus of 1 Team point or  more for various penalties deemed detrimental to the NWJMWL and will be  determined at a league meeting pending 2/3-majority vote.

Minus ½ team point for  failure to have team representation at the Reorganization meeting.






The location of the league  playoffs will be determined at the annual reorganization meeting or league  playoff meeting. 


Four teams will qualify  to participate in the League Championship playoffs.

Criteria and  seeding (In this order):

Each NWJMWL team will  accrue points for league scheduled meets during the season.   

Point accrual is as  follows:

Win = 2points

Tie = 1 point

Loss = 0 points


Seeding of playoff team  will be as follows:

Total accumulated Team  points.

In the event of a tie,  tie breaker will be as follows:

Head to head.

1st place  from Alpha vs 2nd place from Beta and 1st place  from Beta vs 2nd place from Alpha

Winners from the two  matches will wrestle for 1st and 2nd place and  the losing teams will wrestle for 3rd and 4th place.

Playoff officials will  be recommended by the League.

League playoff champion  will coach All-Star matches setup with other League, if unable runner-up from  the league playoffs gets next choice.


Wrestlers must weigh in  50% of Varsity matches within their certified weight to be eligible to participate  in the league team playoffs.





All fees for the season  to be determined annually by league vote (currently $350.00 per team).


League and division  format shall be decided at the reorganization meeting. Divisions are Alpha and  beta and will be set based on previous seasons overall standings all odd  finishers will be in the Alpha division and all even finishers will be in the  Beta  division.  Teams will wrestle all of the teams in their division  and four matches against the opposite division. 


Any infraction may be referred  to the league president by any league representative, or appointed official  (includes referees and tournament director) within 48 hours of the  infraction. The president will contact all league representatives and call a  meeting within 48 hours. The league will determine if the infraction is deemed  a major or minor infraction. If the league determines the infraction to be  major a decision of disciplinary action against any coach and or team will  be made. Disciplinary action will be decided upon a 2/3 vote of the league up  to and including expulsion. If determined by league to be a minor  infraction, first offense will be a 1 point deduction from League Individual  Varsity Tournament team score, second offense will be team is placed on  probation, and third offense team will be removed from league. 


Team awards will be  decided at a league meeting.

a. League Champions (one  (1) from each division of multiple divisions).

b. League Playoff  Champions

c. League Tournament  Champions

 Individual awards  for 1st through 8th place will be presented at the league tournament.


A special award may be presented  annually to recognize an individual who has contributed to the betterment of the  league.  The recipient of this award will  be decided upon by a league vote.


If a team wrestles a day  prior to a scheduled meet regardless of the league wrestled in and at least 2/3  of the starting lineup participates, there will be a 1-pound weight allowance granted  providing 72 hour notice is given to the opposing team and President.  


Unless part of these  bylaws, all-applicable rules governing competition of the league will be in  accordance with the latest Wrestling Rules Book from the NJISAA.


Disbandment: In the  event the league should have to fold, all funds currently maintained by the  league will be held for 6 months following the end of the season. After  that time and with no reformation of the league, all funds will be distributed  evenly to the teams participating in the league at the end of the previous  season.





REV                              DESCRIPTION                        DATE                       BY NR Revisions made to  update Bylaws to coincide with K-6 format 2002-2003 Season MT/EJM


A G.10; 125 weight  added And 175 max hwt added 10-22-03 EJM


B D.2 removed 11-09-03 EJM  H.3.C amended to include 50%  participation rule 11-09-03 EJM



C C.2: Point loss added

D.1: 7th grade  added

D.6: Boundaries  corrected

G.6: Match reporting

H.3: Seeding revised

H.3.d: # of wrestled  matches added

I.2:  Playoff point  system Introduced  11-06-04 EJM



D.6: Boundaries updated  & Wash. Y & NH added.

F.2:  Singlet and  “female” attire added.

F.6:  2nd pound  in February removed.

G.3:”assigned by league secretary”  removed.

G.7:  Overtime rule  modified (see NJSIAA rules)

G.10: note “b” removed.

H.6:  “Tri’s”  added.

H.3.d:  “5 of 10”  was “6 of 13”

H.3.f:  Removed (Pertained  to 1 coach speaking @ seeding mtg).

I.2:  “3 from each  division added”.

I.2.d: roman # iv added.

J.5:  “2 champs  from each division” added.

J.8:  “president”  added                                   

Introduced 11-30-05 EJM





E.3: Added form on NWJWL  website to complete 72 hours prior to match to certify a wrestler before Jan 1st

D.3:  changed  reference of D3 to D2

Introduced 8-23-06 FRB



H.3.d:  “6 of 13”  was “5 of 10”

G.6: changed 24 hours to  11:59 PM

I.2.A.d: moved to H:3-I  and change wording from team points toward league tournament to  team  points toward individual varsity tournament

I.2.B.b.ii:  omit

Introduced 9-20-06 FRB




D.6: Boundaries updated  for Branchville, Flemington & DelVal. Long Valley added.

Introduced 10-25-06 FRB



I.4: Added

J.3: Added league will  determine type of infraction

Introduced 11-30-06 FRB






H:3:c: omitted

H:3:d: revised In order to compete in  a weight class, however, wrestlers must wrestle at least 50% of their  Varsity matches at the weight in which the wrestler  intends to compete at  in the Individual Tournament.

Introduced 9-13-07 FRB


D.6 revised: Belvidere  removed from League through League vote on   

11/06/08 Introduced 9-18-08  FRB


G.7 revised: Changed from  previous year to current year 

Introduced 11-06-08 FRB


H.3.c revised: Changed  Varsity matches required from 6 to 7 for   current year of 2008-2009  season

Introduced 12-04-08 FRB

I.5 added: Playoff   matches required set at 6




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