North West Jersey Midget Wrestling League Teams

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Match Date: 2025-01-09 | Montville vs. Morris Knolls
Referee In Attendance? YES Entered By: Brian Kapral 2025-01-13 07:07:47
Montville Rep: Brian Kapral Morris Knolls Rep: Bryan Flynn
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Wt. Montville Wt. Morris Knolls Wt. Edit
54 Infusino, Tommy 54.60 No Wrestler 54.00 Edit this weight class
58 Meytrott, Hudson 57.60 No Wrestler 58.00 Edit this weight class
62 Whyte, Shane 62.00 No Wrestler 62.00 Edit this weight class
66 Zaragoza, Luca 66.90 No Wrestler 66.00 Edit this weight class
70 Meytrott, Tristan 68.90 No Wrestler 70.00 Edit this weight class
74 Longo, Flynn 73.20 No Wrestler 74.00 Edit this weight class
79 Vasi, Michael 78.00 No Wrestler 79.00 Edit this weight class
84 Kapral, Vincent 81.20 No Wrestler 84.00 Edit this weight class
90 Toporoff, Dexter 83.70 No Wrestler 90.00 Edit this weight class
96 Sontz, Ceiran 95.20 No Wrestler 96.00 Edit this weight class
102 Baginski, Jake 101.90 No Wrestler 102.00 Edit this weight class
110 Rodriguez, Aiden 106.60 No Wrestler 110.00 Edit this weight class
118 Jones, Lucus 115.80 No Wrestler 118.00 Edit this weight class
126 Booth, Corbin 126.80 No Wrestler 126.00 Edit this weight class
136 Turan, Kamran 133.10 No Wrestler 136.00 Edit this weight class
146 Abbott, Ricky 140.40 No Wrestler 146.00 Edit this weight class
165 Leone, Nick 167.00 No Wrestler 165.00 Edit this weight class
170 No Wrestler 170.00 No Wrestler 170.00 Edit this weight class

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