Bouts for Lenape Valley vs. Vernon

Lenape Valley vs. Vernon | Match Score: 40-53 | Varsity | 12-21-2024

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Home Team Result Bout (H|V) Seed (H|V) Match (H|V) Score (H|V) Bout Time
46 Forfeit Kapusta, Jaxson Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0 - 6 0:00
49 Latham, Jayson Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 6 - 6 0:00
52 Toennies, Noah Keelin, Atticus Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 12 - 6 0:18
55 Forfeit Kapusta, Weston Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 12 - 12 0:00
58 Vaughan, Gavin Garrett, Collin Win (Decision) 8-1 3-1 3 - 0 15 - 12 4:00
61 Baulier, Mason Thomas, Carson Win (Technical Fall) 18-1 5-1 5 - 0 20 - 12 2:30
64 Baulier, Owen Canal, Dominic Win (Technical Fall) 16-0 5-1 5 - 0 25 - 12 3:50
67 Almendinger, Drew Paugh, Gabe Loss (Decision) 0-7 1-3 0 - 3 25 - 15 4:00
70 Bethon, Russ Bott, Noah Loss (Major Decision) 0-12 1-4 0 - 4 25 - 19
73 Forfeit Polanco, Hunter Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 25 - 25 0:00
76 Forfeit Garrett, Finnegan Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 25 - 31 0:00
80 Costanzo, Marco Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 31 - 31 0:00
85 Wilbur, Jacob Lugo, Julius Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 37 - 31 0:59
90 Henry, Brock Bradley, Kyra Loss (Major Decision) 3-15 1-4 0 - 4 37 - 35
95 Espinoza, Mike Garrett, Kennedy Win (Decision) 16-12 3-1 3 - 0 40 - 35 4:00
102 Forfeit Polanco, Jonathan Maxwell Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 40 - 41 0:00
115 Forfeit Sroka, Natalia Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 40 - 47 0:00
165 Forfeit Bonilla, Saul Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 40 - 53 0:00

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