Bouts for Sedona vs. Daytona

Daytona vs. Sedona | Match Score: 54-23 | Varsity | 12-18-2024

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Home Team Result Bout (H|V) Seed (H|V) Match (H|V) Score (H|V) Bout Time
54 Mosely, Rahim Finch, Logan Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 6 - 0 0:26
58 Durham, Daniel Kehoe, Jake Win (Technical Fall) 17-2 5-1 5 - 0 11 - 0 3:30
62 Hart, Forrest Hughes, Cameron Loss (Technical Fall) 6-21 1-5 0 - 5 11 - 5 4:30
66 Gomez, Henry Kehoe, Nicholas Win (Decision) 5-1 3-1 3 - 0 14 - 5 4:30
70 Chavez, Orion Niemczyk, Caelan Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 14 - 11 1:12
74 Lane, Gus Wainer, Leo Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 20 - 11 2:30
79 Brown, Andrew Saunders, Colton Win (Injury Default) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 26 - 11 1:00
84 Vasquez, Rhett Forfeit Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 32 - 11 0:00
90 Forfeit Sarinelli, Dante Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 32 - 17 0:00
96 Hall, Gavin Forfeit Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 38 - 17 0:00
102 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 38 - 17 0:00
110 Vazquez, Ewan Forfeit Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 44 - 17 0:00
118 Gay, Quinton Schmarr, Jordan Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 44 - 23 4:30
126 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 44 - 23 0:00
136 Ramos, Kai Forfeit Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 50 - 23 0:00
146 Estes, David Rivera, Carlos Win (Major Decision) 10-2 4-1 4 - 0 54 - 23 :0

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