Error Reporting - Main Page

InformationBelow are active error reports. Browse the active reports to confirm your error is not there and fill out the form at bottom.

InfoTo correct an error report you must be logged in and have delegate status.
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Error No. 157    [Delegates - Click on the gear icon to comment/change status] Link to Match
  Status: Waiting For Action
Reported: 2025-03-03 02:59:45 By: Keith Inglin
Match Date: 2025-02-18 Weight Class: 0
  Home Team: Roxbury Visiting Team: Irvington
  Error Description: ddd
  Response Comments:

Error Reporting Form

InformationWe suggest that you navigate first to the match you want to report the error for. Once there, we have inserted a link at the top of the page that will return you back here and fill in the form correctly for you. You can however fill out the form below without using the above procedure.

View Matches

Notice Before you report:

If you are a delegate and know what to fix, YOU are able to fix the error(s).
  • You do not have to be the person who entered the bout.
  • Even if the match does not involve your team you can still fix it
  • You will be shown as the person who updated the bout

If you are certain the fix to the error, go ahead to THIS LINK and fix the problem.
Please email the person who input the match when you are done that way they know if someone asks them about it.

Fields marked with an asterisk [*] are required
Report Date: 2025-03-17
*Reported By: A value is required.
*Email: Email Required.Email Address Required.
Match Date:
Home Team:
Visiting Team:
Weight Class:
*Description of Error: 800A value is required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Please do your best to describe in detail with specifics so the person knows exactly what the error is.
"The wrestler for the home team should be XYZ..." is way more helpful compared to: "Wrong wrestler..."
Human Test What is the name of the holiday that is typically associated with a rabbit giving candy in a basket?

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