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Racing Loyalty Mission:

Racing Loyalty has a primary mission to foster and promote the sport of racing. By supporting those who entertain, excite, promote and dream, our goal is to allow them to continue in their quest for the finish line.

Showing strength in numbers we will help each other to not only keep alive a worthy part of our culture but to showcase it. we will meet our own individual goals, share and learn from each other as we join from many different racing backgrounds to realize one common goal:

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Registration Form
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A Nickname is Required

Your nickname will be used to identify you throughout the site, and therefore must be unique.
First Name:
First Name is a Required Field.
Last Name:
Last Name is a Required Field.
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Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one number, and one uppercase letter. It must also be more than seven characters long.
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Your Passwords do not match.
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