NWJMWL - North West Jersey Midget Wrestling League
Bouts for Randolph vs. Branchville
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Varsity Match 2024-12-07 | Branchville vs. Randolph | Match Score: 92-18
WGT | Wrestler (H) | Wrestler (V) | Result (H) | Bout (H|V) | Seed (H|V) | Match (H|V) | Bout Time |
46 | Grover, Forest | Carney, Maye | Win (Decision) | 9-3 | 3-1 | 3 - 0 | 4:00 |
49 | Grover, Sage | Palmer, Ezra | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | 2:05 |
52 | Secola, Gino | Rivera, Lucas | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:18 |
55 | Maas, Johnny | Rivera, Mason | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | 1:23 |
58 | Voelker, Kroy | Riveria, Ben | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-7 |
61 | Maas, Ryan | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 6-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
64 | Baumgartner, Rowan | Munning, Enzo | Win (Technical Fall) | 16-1 | 5-1 | 5 - 0 | :00 |
67 | Stoll, Preston | Cherry, Keegan | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-- |
70 | Brown, Nicholas | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 6-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
73 | Torres, Cooper | Palmer, Elijah | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-- |
76 | Gall, Lincoln | Cherry, Riley | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-- |
80 | Risdon, Jayden | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 6-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
85 | Stoll, Leighton | Madayag-Williams, Cruz | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-- |
90 | Nielsen, Will | Croes, Riley | Loss (Pin) | 0-0 | 1-6 | 0 - 6 | -:-- |
95 | Forfeit | Mendoza, Jayden | Loss (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 0-6 | 0 - 6 | 0:00 |
102 | Forfeit | Schmidt, Maxwell | Loss (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 0-6 | 0 - 6 | 0:00 |
115 | Ventura, Sincere | Carey, Jayce | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 6-1 | 6 - 0 | -:-- |
135 | Changaris, Castor | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 6-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
165 | Gall, Jackson | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 6-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 |
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