NWJMWL - North West Jersey Midget Wrestling League

Bouts for Kittatinny vs. Jefferson

InformationBelow are all records captured for the event listed. Click on a wrestlers name to view their individual bouts.

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Bouts Entered By:
Tonya Fleszar-Volpe

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Varsity Match 2024-12-21 | Kittatinny vs. Jefferson | Match Score: 30-77   

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Result (H) Bout (H|V)   Seed (H|V)  Match (H|V)  Bout Time
46 Forfeit Goldsberry, Gabe Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0:00
49 Green, Jameson Rossi, Gino Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 1:39
52 Forfeit Morrow, Logan Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0:00
55 Sharp, Tanner Scognamiglio, Zach Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 -:--
58 Forfeit Koch, William Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0:00
61 Sharp, Tace Scognamiglio, Lucas Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 :34
64 Sharp, Tallon Goldsberry, Gavin Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 3:50
67 Reilly, Shay Rossi, Carmine Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 -:19
70 Grochowski, Joshua Carroll, William Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 -:26
73 Forfeit Morrow, Chase Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0:00
76 Forfeit Meigh, Michael Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-6 0 - 6 0:00
80 Stretch, Natalie DeAngelo, Landon Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 2:19
85 Vetter, Nick DeAngelo, Colton Loss (Technical Fall) 0-15 1-5 0 - 5 0:00
90 Leka, Rayan Franco, Dominico Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 -:46
95 Molinet, Reese Standish, Cayden Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 -:56
102 Durino, Levi Williver, Luke Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 1:27
115 Newman, Cole Ketterer, Liam Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-6 0 - 6 -:44
135 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 0:00
165 Weiss, Tyler Win (Forfeit) 0-0 6-0 6 - 0 0:00

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