Bouts for Voorhees vs. Franklin

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Bouts Entered By:
Gene Ronkiewicz

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Varsity Match 2025-02-08 | Voorhees vs. Franklin | Match Score: 80-14   

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Result (H) Bout (H|V)   Seed (H|V)  Match (H|V)   Match (H|V)  Bout Time
45 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0:00
50 Burd, Nash Johansen, Blake Win (Decision) 7-6 3-1 3 - 0 3 - 0 3:00
53 Forfeit Booker, Cianni Loss (Forfeit) 0-0 0-5 0 - 6 3 - 6 0:00
57 linke, Landon Win (Forfeit) 0-0 5-0 6 - 0 9 - 6 0:00
60 Burd, Sebastian Friend, Samuel Win (Technical Fall) 15-0 5-1 5 - 0 14 - 6 :00
63 Handy, Kellen Booker , Zahira Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 20 - 6 -:51
67 Pisecki, Quentin Win (Forfeit) 0-0 5-0 6 - 0 26 - 6 0:00
70 Colon, Felix Whiteman, Eli Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 32 - 6 -:21
73 briere, Adam Smith, Kalli Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 38 - 6 -:--
77 Manara, Cameron Gourdine , Tristan Loss (Decision) 11-14 1-3 0 - 3 38 - 9 3:00
80 Paniconi, Michael Mitchell, Eden Loss (Technical Fall) 0-15 1-5 0 - 5 38 - 14 0:00
85 Sullivan, Ryan Henderson , Xavier Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 44 - 14 -:30
90 Ronkiewicz, Ciara Lichtiger , Logan Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 50 - 14 2:40
95 Milazzo, David Lawson, Josh Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 56 - 14 -:--
100 Little, Maxwell Win (Forfeit) 0-0 5-0 6 - 0 62 - 14 0:00
110 MacArthur, Stafford Win (Forfeit) 0-0 5-0 6 - 0 68 - 14 0:00
120 Ronkiewicz, Michael Win (Forfeit) 0-0 5-0 6 - 0 74 - 14 0:00
175 Sullivan , Royce Smith, Austin Win (Pin) 0-0 6-1 6 - 0 80 - 14 1:31

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