Wrestleague Logo

Next Meeting: 2024-12-01 Time: 7:00 PM
Agenda: See information on front page of site when time comes close.

Wrestleague Logo

Instructions Delegates log in..

League Message Board

Link for seeding meeting (admin access only)

Author:  Keith Inglin | 2018-01-28 05:01:29 | Updated By:  Keith Inglin 2025-02-05 09:19:25

Seeding Meeting Link (admin access required)

Archive Moved

Author:  Keith Inglin | 2025-02-12 17:21:59

The items that belonged in the archive have been moved. They were here on the front page.
The new location is the archive page that is under HOME on the menu above.
As new information is submitted, that is where you will find it.

Upcoming Matches

(Looking out 14 days)

No Matches To Show At This Time

load schedule page

Upcoming League Events

(No Events To Show At This Time)

Coaches Checklist

Use this area to know what you should be looking to do during the different phases of the wrestling season.
The focus will change on the part of the season we are in.

Use that fresh energy to get it done!

Nothing like the fresh perspective of a new season to buckle down and execute!
Best of luck to your team this season. Take advantage of the newness of it all to dive right in.

Set your team delegates

Many hands make light work. There isn't a limit to team delegates and past experience says having delegates who know what they are in charge of (and can be a back up for ) is the recommended way to go.
Here are some key concepts on delegates:

  • There are two ways to add a new delegate
    • Recommended: They visit the site, got the log in page and sign up for an account
    • When users sign themselves up, they manage password and contact information. It is much more reliable when they do it themselves.
    • A current delegate use the MY TEAM PAGE | TEAM CONTROL PANEL area to add a delegate
  • Once signed up, either a current delegate for that team or an administrator will have to 'grant them delegate status'
    • Delegates have permissions that allow them to do a majority of tasks on the site
    • Visitor (non-delegates) will have ability to view areas like results but cannot do entry or other tasks.
    • Non-delegates will not see the coaches directory.
  • A new user will know they are a delegate when the links on the site (like Coaches Portal) appear in the menu.
  • Please DO NOT just share your credential. Most everything in the site is tracked and timestamped based on log in. It is impossible to fix things if a multitude of people are using an account
  • If the device you are using is your device: CHECK THE REMEMBER ME BOX. It will remember you for a full year.
  • Forgot the email you used to sign up? You can also use FIRST NAME [space] LAST NAME instead of your email.

Set up your team rosters

There is nothing more important to the site. Frustration results from teams attempting to put results in and opponents have an incomplete roster. For that reason, much effort has been exerted in making this task easier in every way. Unless you are a new team this season, your roster from last year should already be in place. Your oldest wrestlers were eliminated at season reset. All other grades have been bumped up.

Here are the tasks you can now focus on:

  • Remove any wrestler not returning this year
    • Once the season starts, do not remove a wrestler without going through a site administrator first.
    • You can set them to NO SEED to remove them from drop downs on entry forms
    • There is no harm in having an extra wrestler on your roster.
  • Add any new wrestlers
  • Assign your JV's to that status as needed. They can be sent up to varsity at any time you choose.
  • You cannot set certification weights until a wrestler competes in a bout. Leave that for now.

Manage your wrestling schedule

This is the time to communicate with coaches during meetings to see who is wrestling where and when.

If you want, the site has a broadcast message system that has a variety of ways to reach out to teams or individuals. As an auxiliary benefit, the communication is stored in the broadcast message archive and you can refer back to what was proposed.

When you have some dates, head on over and publish those dates on the site events page. Ticking the boxes the correct way not only adds the events to your MY TEAM PAGE, it also put them on the calendar AND the MY TEAM PAGE of the people you tick the box for.

  • Be sure to read the instruction before posting an event.
    • Real estate on the calendar is at a premium
    • There are suggestions for abbreviations to post matches
    • You can add all types of details beyond just the event title
    • Again, taking a few moments to tick the boxes of all parties involved shows the event on their MY TEAM PAGE area.
  • Non-Wrestling Events
  • League Tournaments, Meetings, Fund raiser and other events can also be published
  • Choose league event to assign it to the league instead of the hosting team
  • When the event nears, it will display on the front page of the site.

End of Section | Thanks!

Start of season tasks

Here is the list of things you should be considering now that wrestling has started.

Put in your first contests

Visit COACHES PORTAL | MATCHES | Match Entry to start inserting a match into the site.
Know that before you start putting matches in that not all teams are created equal. There will be teams who are not fully complaint yet. All wrestlers MUST have a seed weight put to allow them to appear during match entry. If the opposing team wrestlers have no seed weight set... they will not show on the roster. You will need to reach out to their delegates and prod them to finish that task before you can insert the match. There is a page on the site dedicated to putting in seed weights.

  • Only put the match in if you were home - green on the mat.
  • As mentioned above, preview both rosters to see they are complete and all wrestlers have a seed weight
  • When you put matches in, ask yourself what was the result of the home (your) wrestler for the bout?
  • As you enter bouts, there will be a preview of entries. Use it to ensure your sheet and the results agree.
  • You can fix or remove any mistakes while you are doing the match entry
  • When the match entry is completed, look to put in the weigh-in sheet.

Review your team delegates - including your information

The site is designed to allow any delegate to manage details for their team. This includes updating information for all team delegates, granting delegate status to a new delegate and removing those who are not returning. This is done in the TEAM CONTROL PANEL via the MY TEAM PAGE.

  • Review your team delegates - including your information
  • Contact information: Is it correct?
  • Are they a coach, assistant or stat person?
  • What is the delegates contact level? Updating that information helps other teams know who to reach out to.
  • Can they log on? Sharing access is a bad thing.
  • Do they have delegate status so they can get where they need to go?

Rosters.. rosters.. rosters!

  • Are your rosters set up? If not, refer to PRESEASON ITEMS for a detailed look at how to do that
  • If you are new, click around and familiarize yourself with the site and all of the things that it has to offer
  • Complete your schedule on the events calendar

Learn the site

Your league website is full of information and tools to help you accomplish a smooth season.
Take a tour now that results are coming in and find out how to capitalize on the information.

  • Find out how your opponents are looking
  • Review the calendar area to see who is wrestling when
  • Use the alternative seeding methods to see if you can gain more insight

End of Section | Thanks!

Off to a good start!

(by insuring you check these things off your list)

Main focus for this section is getting your rosters finalized. Much to absorb here. Some key points to understanding how things go.

Seed & Cert Weights
It is imperative that your rosters are managed.
Incomplete or incorrect rosters will create challengers or prevent match entry.
Now that wrestling is gearing up it is past time to make sure your rosters are in order.

  • Your rosters should now be full. Ensure that all wrestlers are added.
  • Do not remove a wrestler once they have been added. Wait until there is no wrestling being contested. Doing so may change results for opponents.
    • There is a page dedicated to setting seed weights for your roster.
    • Seed weight tells match entry forms where to show and hide the wrestler
    • Not having a seed weight assigned will prevent entry for a bout
    • Seed weights are at the discretion of the team and can be changed at any time allowed by bylaws
    • Wrestlers are not restricted to seed weight and as long as bylaw compliant, can compete in other weight classes

Don't forget to complete weigh-in sheets

  • Check with your league bylaws to understand requirements
  • Weigh In Sheets are easier to do after the match entry is completed.
  • There is a section dedicated to weight sheets

End of Section | Thanks!

Mid Season Tasks.

Mid season is time to leverage the power of the site to be informed, review stats entered and manage your strategy!

    Review Broadcast Messages

    Visit COACHES PORTAL | Broadcast Messages.
    Look over current messages and see if there are any of interest or any specifically sent to your (or your team) that pertain to you.

    Research Results

    • Look at your upcoming key matches. Find out how that other teams wrestler is doing this year.
    • If you visit the WRESTLING RESULTS | Individual Page, you can search in a variety of ways for a wrestler and see their accomplishments.

    Get your completed matches into the system.

    • If green (home) on the mat, your team is responsible for the match entry
    • Do not wait until the end of the season to enter matches.
    • League bylaws likely outline requirements for match entry time lines

    Look at error reporting

    There may be error reports for matches that involve your team.
    Visit COACHES PORTAL | Error Reporting and review any open error reports

    Start planning your tournament rosters.

    You can only have one kid per weight class in the varsity tournament.
    As long as you're bylaw complaint you can move a wrestlers seed weight to put together the best roster.

    Double check with your team treasurer and make sure the league dues are paid.

End of Section | Thanks!

Last part of the regular season.

As the regular season is in full swing, now is about maintenance.

    Get all of your matches inserted into the system.

    • You are responsible for entering matches where your team was HOME (Green) on the mat
    • If the event was a tri or a quad match, green on the mat (not the hosting team) is responsible for that match entry.

    Ensure entry accuracy
    (especially for bouts inserted by others)

    • Are the match score the same as your sheets?
    • Take a look at your kids with 'same names' to make sure they credited the correct wrestler
    • FYI: If you look to the top, the person(s) who did the entries are listed.

    Start planning your tournament rosters.

    You can only have one kid per weight class in the varsity tournament.
    As long as you're bylaw complaint you can move a wrestlers seed weight to put together the best roster.

    Double check with your team treasurer and make sure the league dues are paid.

End of Section | Thanks!

Seeding Meeting

Being prepared for the seeding meeting only takes a few steps. Ideally, all teams should complete these items at minimum 48 hours prior to the meeting date.

Confirm that all of your matches are in.

Check that all matches were entered.
To do that, visit:

Review the match error reports

Visit: COACHES PORTAL | Error Reporting

Look over the error reports to make sure that your team is not the subject of one of them.

If you find an error, fix it and the edit the error status leaving a timestamp.
You may also want to reach out to the reporting person.

Set your tournament rosters

There is a tournament roster page dedicated to setting tournament seed meeting rosters.
PLEASE expand and read the instructions on that page before working on changes.
Here are some key tournament concepts:

  • Only one wrestler per weight class unless otherwise discussed
  • Moving a wrestler to 'NoSeed' removes them from any seeding levels
  • You are not required to have a wrestler at every level
  • Some leagues host a JV tournament. They often do not have only one team wrestler at a weight, but allow to fill out weight class.
  • If there is an error, the director of the seed meeting will be able to adjust your roster as needed, but PLEASE do your best not to be the team who isn't ready

You can find that Tournament Rosters Page here:

Research Seeding Ties

Look at your kids for each weight and see if they are tied. If so, use your bylaws criteria to break the ties and bring that information with you to the seeding meeting

Gather Printed Material for the meeting

Print any rosters: You can use the site to prepare for the meeting by printing team rosters. It is great to have the information with you in paper so you can be a part of the discussion with the information in front of you.
The Team Rosters Page has the ability for you to print or export roster(s) to MS Excel.

End of year meeting prep

While things are fresh in the mind (especially after the seeding meeting) you should start considering what you can propose to make the league better. Perhaps a rule change or policy that is outdated. Spend some time reflecting on what you want to fix.

End of Section | Thanks!

End of Year / Off Season

The end of year items include looking back on what did and did not work. Learn and plan.

Manage your team details

Use your team control panel to:

  • Remove any coaches not returning next year
  • Add new coaches to your team delegate list
  • Update your team status (fill out those not completed)
  • Add a message to your MY TEAM PAGE that only your team will see

Leave your rosters alone!

Roster from this year will automatically be reset for next year. Upon new season setup, you will remove any wrestlers not returning and add any new wrestlers who are coming out for the new season.

  • Do not adjust your rosters.
    • The admin will perform a season reset and remove your oldest wrestlers
    • All other wrestlers will be bumped up one grade for the start of next season
  • The results for this year will be moved to the archive automatically when the season reset happens
  • You can visit the archive to see results. It goes back to the beginning of the league

Visit your league archive and reminisce

Your league has a rich history. The past is available for you in the league archives.
Matches, seeding and wrestler results as well as tournament and team championship matches are all there.

  • The results for this year will be moved to the archive automatically when the season reset happens
  • You can visit the archive to see results. It goes back to the beginning of the league

End of Section | Thanks!


League Stats

Statistics Page - all types of stats

Most Recent Results

Morris Hills Jr Knig..
36 - 63
Morris Hills Jr Knig..
Morris Knolls
63 - 25
Long Valley
54 - 47
Long Valley
62 - 28
37 - 59
Long Valley
41 - 51
72 - 18
60 - 48

See the rest..

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