Bouts for Woodbridge vs. Kittatinny
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All Matches Woodbridge Matches Kittatinny Matches
Bouts Entered By: Brian Christie
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Varsity Match 2024-12-08 | Woodbridge vs. Kittatinny | Match Score: 48-40
WGT | Wrestler (H) | Wrestler (V) | Result (H) | Bout (H|V) | Seed (H|V) | Match (H|V) | Bout Time |
70 | Forfeit | Cherichella, Massimo | Loss (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 0-7 | 0 - 6 | 0:00 |
75 | Forfeit | Forfeit | Double Forfeit | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0 - 0 | 0:00 |
80 | Villatoro, Justin | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 7-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
85 | Elliot, Tyler | Bloxham, Jack | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 7-1 | 6 - 0 | :36 |
90 | Vittitoe, George | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 7-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
95 | Amaro, Michael | Lobb, Oakley | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 7-1 | 6 - 0 | :32 |
100 | Kress, Danzig | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 7-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
106 | Arreaga, Alejandro | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 7-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
112 | Dowling, Michael | Alicea, Joshua | Win (Pin) | 0-0 | 7-1 | 6 - 0 | :56 |
118 | Flores, Giovanni | Vetter, Nolan | Loss (Pin) | 0-0 | 1-7 | 0 - 6 | 1:42 |
124 | Cardet Merrill, Elliott | Volpe, Hudson | Loss (Pin) | 0-0 | 1-7 | 0 - 6 | :51 |
130 | Hudson, Quincy | Mizerek, Baron | Loss (Pin) | 0-0 | 1-7 | 0 - 6 | 1:26 |
140 | Cruz, Josiahs | Broderick, Luke | Loss (Pin) | 0-0 | 1-7 | 0 - 6 | 1:42 |
150 | Meier, Steven | Moschberger, Tommy | Loss (Major Decision) | 6-16 | 1-5 | 0 - 4 | |
175 | Valetin, Mathew | Win (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 7-0 | 6 - 0 | 0:00 | |
240 | Forfeit | Calache, Ben | Loss (Forfeit) | 0-0 | 0-7 | 0 - 6 | 0:00 |
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