Bouts for Washington vs. Bridgewater

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Varsity Match 2025-01-05 | Bridgewater vs. Washington | Match Score: 60-22   

WGT Wrestler (H) Wrestler (V) Result (H) Bout (H|V)   Seed (H|V)  Match (H|V)  Bout Time
70 Dalton, Preston Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
75 Jones, Owen Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
80 Mayo, Ryan Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
85 Chua, Zaden Plesh, Chayse Loss (Technical Fall) 1-19 1-6 0 - 5 0:00
90 Chartowich, Reid Plesh, Jake Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 2:34
95 Karp, Hunter Plesh, Anthony Loss (Pin) 0-0 1-7 0 - 6 3:43
100 Hoppe, Brayden Cannavo, Joey Loss (Technical Fall) 1-16 1-6 0 - 5 0:00
106 Suozzo, William Ortiz, Michael Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 -:55
112 Jaiswal, Dhroov Colaluce, Dominic Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 -:40
118 James, Joshua Smith, Owen Win (Pin) 0-0 7-1 6 - 0 -:53
124 Churpakovich, Lucas Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
130 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 0:00
140 Aragon, Jacob Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
150 Grasso, Leo Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
175 Deledon, Anthony Win (Forfeit) 0-0 7-0 6 - 0 0:00
240 Forfeit Forfeit Double Forfeit 0-0 0-0 0 - 0 0:00

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